What You Need to Know to Transform Your Business in the Changing World

Aga Bajer


Yesterday I had a call with Amanda, the amazing editor of my new book.

We compared notes on our lives in Vancouver and Milan (turns out they are not that different, given the COVID-19 restrictions) and then got down to business.

At one point in our conversation, Amanda asked me the inevitable question:

“What are your thoughts on speaking to the readers living in the post-COVID-19 world?”

My book will not be out until 2021, and so her question shouldn’t have caught me so completely off guard.

And yet, it did. Because - honestly:

How do you make predictions about the world after something so big and so disruptive?

My first reaction was to think — “I’m not a futurist, an economist, or an epidemiologist…”


Which was immediately followed by my usual default as a writer — I need to do some research on this!



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